Hello, Friend!

Hello, Friend? That's lame. May be I should greet normally like "Hi there 👋" or something.

$ whoami

Hkawng Dau Jumwu (Jingpo: Jumwu Hkawng Dau; Burmese: ဂျွန်ဝူခေါင်ဒေါင်; MLCTS: gyawan wuu hkaung daung:, pronounced [d͡ʒʊm.wu kʰaʊŋ daʊ];) is an IT Support Specialist, Static Web Developer and FLOSS/FOSS enthusiast.

$ web-design-projects

$ github-repositories


$ digital-literacy

python ruby html5 css3 javascript aws git bash linux


$ contact-me

$ pgp

Get my Public Key here, if you want to send me something encrypted.

$ resume

Find a copy of my resume here. It is encrypted; obtain the passphrase directly from me.